How to Thread Sewing Machine Kenmore? (Easy Guide) In 2023

If you’re an avid sewing enthusiast or a beginner eager to dive into the world of sewing, How to Thread Sewing Machine Kenmore? sewing machine is an essential skill.

Threaded correctly, your Kenmore sewing machine will become a reliable partner in your creative projects. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of threading a Kenmore sewing machine, step by step.

How to Thread Sewing Machine Kenmore

How to Thread Sewing Machine Kenmore?

Sewing can be an incredibly rewarding hobby, and using a Kenmore sewing machine is a joy in itself. To fully harness the potential of your Kenmore machine, you must understand how to properly thread it.

In this guide, we’ll demystify the process for you, ensuring that you can create beautiful stitches and seamless projects with confidence.

Getting Started

Here are the Getting Started:

Understanding Your Kenmore Sewing Machine

Before we dive into threading, take some time to familiarize yourself with your Kenmore sewing machine. Read the manual, identifying the key components, such as the presser foot, tension discs, and bobbin winder.

Gathering Necessary Supplies

To thread your Kenmore sewing machine, you’ll need a few supplies:

  • A spool of thread
  • An empty bobbin
  • A pair of scissors
  • The machine’s manual

With your supplies at hand, you’re ready to get started.

Winding the Bobbin

Winding the bobbin is the first step in threading your Kenmore sewing machine. Follow these steps:

  1. Place the empty bobbin on the bobbin winder.
  2. Pass the thread through the bobbin winder’s guide.
  3. Hold the end of the thread and start the machine.
  4. The bobbin will automatically stop when full.

Preparing the Machine

Before threading the machine, raise the presser foot, and set the thread tension to zero. This prevents any accidental stitching while threading.

Threading the Upper Thread

Follow these steps to thread the upper thread:

  1. Place the thread on the spool pin.
  2. Pass the thread through the thread guide.
  3. Guide the thread down and around the tension discs.
  4. Thread it through the take-up lever.
  5. Continue threading until you reach the needle.

Threading the Bobbin

To thread the bobbin, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the wound bobbin into the bobbin case.
  2. Guide the thread through the bobbin case’s slot.
  3. Pull the thread through, leaving a tail.

Bringing Threads Together

After threading both the upper thread and the bobbin, follow these steps to bring them together:

  1. Hold the end of the upper thread and manually turn the wheel towards you to bring the needle down and back up.
  2. Gently pull the upper thread, and the bobbin thread will come up.

Testing the Stitch

Now that your Kenmore sewing machine is threaded, it’s time to test the stitch. Place a piece of fabric under the presser foot and lower the foot. Start sewing slowly to ensure that the threads create a secure and even stitch.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter issues while threading or sewing, consult your machine’s manual for troubleshooting guidance. Common issues include tangled thread, uneven stitches, and jammed bobbins.

here are some quick troubleshooting tips for common sewing machine issues:

1. Thread Breakage:

  • Check thread tension and adjust if needed.
  • Ensure you’re using a sharp needle suitable for the fabric.
  • Use high-quality thread to prevent breakage.

2. Bobbin Thread Tangling:

  • Re-thread the bobbin, ensuring it’s correctly wound.
  • Adjust bobbin tension if necessary.
  • Inspect the bobbin for damage and replace if needed.

3. Uneven Stitches:

  • Check and adjust the upper thread tension.
  • Ensure the bobbin is correctly threaded.
  • Use the right needle for your fabric type.

4. Jammed Machine:

  • Turn off the machine, and remove the fabric and thread.
  • Clean the bobbin area and feed the dogs.
  • Check for any loose or tangled threads.

5. Fabric Puckering:

  • Ensure the machine is correctly threaded.
  • Adjust the tension settings to match your fabric.
  • Practice on scrap fabric to find the ideal settings.

Maintenance and Care

Proper maintenance is essential to keep your Kenmore sewing machine in good working condition. Regularly clean the machine, change needles, and oil moving parts as recommended in the manual.

People also ask

How do you thread an old Kenmore sewing machine?

Threading an old Kenmore sewing machine may vary depending on the specific model. Generally, follow these steps:

Place the thread spool on the spool pin.
Guide the thread through the upper thread guides.
Thread the tension discs and the take-up lever.
Pass the thread through the needle’s eye from front to back.

How do you thread a Kenmore sewing machine needle?

To thread a Kenmore sewing machine needle, follow these steps:

Place the thread spool on the spool pin.
Guide the thread through the upper thread guides.
Thread the tension discs and the take-up lever.
Pass the thread through the needle’s eye from front to back.

How do you thread a bobbin on a Kenmore sewing machine?

To thread a bobbin on a Kenmore sewing machine, follow these steps:

Place an empty bobbin on the bobbin winder.
Pass the thread through the bobbin winder’s guide.
Hold the end of the thread and start the machine.
The bobbin will automatically stop when full.

How do you thread a Kenmore Mini Ultra sewing machine?

To thread a Kenmore Mini Ultra sewing machine, follow these steps:

Place the thread spool on the spool pin.
Guide the thread through the upper thread guides and the tension discs.
Thread the take-up lever.
Pass the thread through the needle’s eye from front to back.
Consult the machine’s manual for model-specific instructions and illustrations if available.


In Conclusion, Threading your Kenmore sewing machine may seem daunting at first, but with practice, it becomes second nature.

This skill opens up a world of creative possibilities, allowing you to bring your sewing projects to life. So, don’t be intimidated; embrace the process and enjoy the art of sewing with your Kenmore machine.

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